Dr. 安吉拉Broaddus

Dr. 安吉拉Broaddus

职务名称: 副教授
部门: 数学 & 计算机科学
办公室: 韦斯特曼大厅128
电话: 913.360.7435
博士联系. 安吉拉Broaddus

Dr. 安吉拉Broaddus is originally from New York and received her bachelor’s degree in 计算机科学 from 威廉学院 and Mary in Virginia (1986). She served the US Army as a commissioned officer for four years and then received her M.A.Ed. (1993)获得中学数学教师资格证. She taught high school and college mathematics in several locations as her Army family moved in support of her husband’s military career. In 2011 she received her PhD in Curriculum and Instruction with dual emphases in 数学 and Research, 评价, 测量, 以及堪萨斯大学的统计数据.

Dr. 布罗德斯于2016年加入本尼迪克特学院. Prior to her appointment she participated in research projects focused on building learning maps that model how people learn mathematics, and leveraging those maps to design innovative teacher professional development and instructional materials. She enjoys applying the principles used in this research to her teaching. 不上学的时候. 布罗德斯喜欢和堪萨斯城交响合唱团一起唱歌, 针织, 和家人在一起.










威廉学院 & 玛丽,1986


金斯顿N. M.布罗德斯,A., & 贷款,H. (2015). Some thoughts on “Using learning progressions to design vertical scales that support coherent inferences about student growth.” 测量(13)1–4. DOI: 10.1080/15366367.2015.1105084.



Adjei,年代.选D.赫弗南,n.n., Pardos, Z.布罗德斯,A., & 金斯顿N. (2014年6月). Refining Learning Maps with Data Fitting Techniques: 搜索ing for Better Fitting Learning Maps. 在J. 压模,Z. pardo, M. Mavrikis, & B. M. 麦克拉伦(Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on 教育al Data Mining (pp. 413–414). 可以在 http://educationaldatamining.org/EDM2014/uploads/procs2014/posters/89_EDM-2014-Poster.pdf

Broaddus,.韦兰,L., & 盖勒,C. (2015年10月). Use of learning maps to support formative assessment in mathematics. Workshop at the International Association of 教育al Assessment Conference, Lawrence, KS, USA.

金斯顿N., & Broaddus,. (2016年8月). 使用学习地图来支持形成性评估. Presentation at the International Association of 教育al Assessment Conference, 约翰内斯堡, 南非.


Broaddus,.海斯廷斯,J.拉沃伊,C.林达曼,B., & Rothrock K. 2月(2019). 让我们理性一点! Shifting PSTs' Mathematical Dispositions Through Fraction Division Tasks. Presentation at the Association of 数学 Teacher Educators Conference, Orlando, FL.

林德纳,N.韦兰,L., & Broaddus,. (2018年4月). 分割形状:理解分数的入口. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of 数学, 华盛顿, DC.

Broaddus,.D。.韦兰,L., & 林德纳,N. (2017年4月) Using Learning Maps to Reimagine Instruction and Redefine Assessment. 在国家 Council of Teachers of 数学 Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Broaddus,., & 沙利文,M. (2016年4月). Examining Effects of Pictorial Fraction Models on 学生 Test Responses. Presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council on 测量 in 教育, 华盛顿, D.C.

Broaddus,. (2016年4月). 提高学生的评价素养, 父母, 教育工作者, 决策者有五个基本的理解. 在国家 数学会议监事理事会,奥克兰,加州.

Broaddus,. (2016年4月). Examining teachers' learning as they use learning maps to study mathematics. 在国家 Council of Teachers of 数学 Research Conference, 旧金山, CA.

金斯顿N., & Broaddus,.吉安诺普洛斯,G., & 瑞尔Z. 3月(2016). 在评估发展中使用学习地图. Presentation at the Innovations in Testing Conference, Orlando, FL.

Broaddus,. 1月(2016). Successes and challenges in using learning maps as instructional tools. Presentation at the Association of 数学 Teacher Educators Conference, Irvine, CA.

金斯顿N.M.布罗德斯,A., & 盖勒,C. (2015年8月). 改变成就评估或帮助的范式!; I’m Lost; Does Anyone Have a Map? Paper presented at the 2015 CRESST Conference, Redondo Beach, CA.

Broaddus,., & 沙玛,. (2015年4月). Evaluating a Learning Map of Integer Understanding Using Test Responses. 在国家 Council of Teachers of 数学 Research Conference, Boston, MA.

Broaddus,.r.s winburn - romine.希普曼,M., & 劳伦斯,. (2015年4月). Alternate Assessments for 学生s Who are Blind or Have Visual Impairments. Presentation at the annual convention the Council for Exceptional Children, San Diego, CA.

沙玛,., & Broaddus,. (2015年4月). Using Bayesian Network Analysis to Validate a 数学 Learning Map. Paper presentation at the National Council on 测量 in 教育, Chicago, IL.

金斯顿N., & Broaddus,. 3月(2015). 学习地图作为教育评估的基础. Presentation at the Innovations in Testing Conference, Palm Springs, CA.

Broaddus,.J·沙夫特尔.康拉德,Z., & 女猎手,. (2014年4月). 学习地图:形成性评估实践的工具. Presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council of Supervisors of 数学, 新奥尔良, LA.

Broaddus,., Pardos, Z.康拉德,Z., & 女猎手,. (2014年4月). Validation of a mathematics learning map using Bayesian network analysis. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council on 测量 in 教育, 费城, PA.

金斯顿N.埃里克森,K.布罗德斯,A., & Karvonen, M. (2013年7月). 动态学习的效度设计 地图(DLM)替代评估. Presentation at the Office of Special 教育 Programs Project Directors’ Conference, 华盛顿, D.C.

Broaddus,., & 蒙哥马利,M. (2013年4月). Using a cognitive diagnostic model to evaluate and revise a formative assessment. 在米. Perie(椅子), 认知诊断模型(二). Paper session conducted at the meeting of the National Council on 测量 in 教育, 旧金山, CA.

Broaddus,., & 同性恋,年代. (2013年4月). 探索学生学习斜坡的准备情况. Presentation at the meeting of the National Council of Teachers of 数学, Denver, CO.

Broaddus,., & Shaftel J. 5月(2012). Cognitive diagnostic assessment: Informing responses and interventions. Critical discussion presentation at the National Council of Teachers of 数学 and Council for Exceptional Children Substantive Collaborative Meeting, 莱斯顿, VA.

托马斯·K.Sheinker, A.布罗德斯,A., & Sood P. (2012年4月). Constructing a street level view of the Common Core State Standards: A map for how all students learn mathematics. Presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council of Supervisors of 数学, 费城, PA.

Broaddus,. (2012年4月). Developing instructional tools to assist teachers in implementing the Common Core State Standards for mathematics. 在B. A. Bottge(椅子), 学习数学的教学工具. Roundtable session conducted at the meeting of the American 教育al Research Association, 温哥华, BC, 加拿大.

Broaddus,. (2012年4月). Modeling understanding of foundational concepts related to slope: An application of the attribute hierarchy method. 在J. 雷顿(椅子), 认知诊断评估:来自实践的教训. Paper session conducted at the meeting of the National Council on 测量 in 教育, 温哥华, BC, 加拿大.

Broaddus,.克莱默,L. M. B., & 金斯顿N. (2011年8月). Validity evidence based on the consequences of interim assessments. 在N. 金斯敦 & A. Broaddus(椅子), 中期评价:信度和效度证据. 研讨会于 the meeting of the American Psychological Association, 华盛顿, D.C.

金斯顿N.王伟.布罗德斯,A., & 克莱默,我. M. B. (2011年8月). Validity evidence based on the relationship between interim and summative assessment scores. 在N. 金斯敦 & A. Broaddus(椅子), 中期评价:信度和效度证据. 研讨会于 the meeting of the American Psychological Association, 华盛顿, D.C.

克莱默,我. M. B.纽约州金斯顿市., & Broaddus,. E. (2011年8月). 基于中期评估内容的有效性证据. 在N. 金斯敦 & A. E. Broaddus(椅子), 中期评价:信度和效度证据. 研讨会于 the meeting of the American Psychological Association, 华盛顿, D.C.
